How To Build An Automated ConvertKit Report In Google Sheets Using Apps Script

In this post, you’ll learn how to build an automated ConvertKit Report tool in Google Sheets.

Every morning I have this report waiting for me in my inbox:

Automated Daily Dashboard Email

Opening the PDF attachment shows me the key growth metrics for my email list:

ConvertKit Email List Analysis Report

There’s also a link in the email to go direct to the Google Sheet, in case I want to ever make changes.

In this post you’ll see how to:

  • Set up this template for yourself
  • Connect to the ConvertKit API with Apps Script
  • Retrieve list data into your Sheet
  • Make projections about list growth
  • Create a report that is emailed to you daily

Continue reading How To Build An Automated ConvertKit Report In Google Sheets Using Apps Script

Gmail Mail Merge For A Specific Label With Apps Script

Every Monday I send out a Google Sheets tip email and occasionally I’ll include a formula challenge.

I posted Formula Challenge #3 — to alphabetize a string of words separated by commas using a single formula — in January 2020 and had over 150 replies!

It would have been too time consuming to reply to all 150 responses manually from my inbox.

Since 95% of all my replies would be the same (a thank you and the formula solution) it was a perfect case for automation.

(The solution was essentially a mash up of this post on extracting email addresses in Gmail and this post on reply to Google Form solutions quickly with Apps Script.

Gmail Mail Merge Script Outline

  1. Make sure all of the emails are labeled correctly in Gmail (you can use a filter to do this).
  2. Then use Apps Script to extract the solution responses into a Sheet with names and emails addresses.
  3. Categorize each row of data (i.e. each email) into 3 or 4 different categories, e.g. “Correct”, “Correct but…” etc.
  4. Next, create a reply template for each of these categories, to say thank you for taking part and also sharing any feedback.
  5. Then use a simple VLOOKUP formula to add a reply to each row, based on the category.
  6. Following that, use Apps Script to create draft emails for everyone in the Sheet (the Gmail Mail Merge part).
  7. The last part is manual: a quick check of original email and response, add any customization and then press SEND.

Part 1: Extract Gmail Emails To Google Sheet With Apps Script

Assuming all your emails are labeled, so that they’re all together in a folder, you can use Apps Script to search for this label and extract the messages into a Google Sheet.

Search for the messages under this label with the search query method from the GmailApp service. This returns an array of Gmail threads matching this query.

Retrieve all the messages with the getMessagesForThreads() method.

From this array of messages, extract the From field and the body text.

The From field takes the form:

Ben Collins <>

Parse this with a map function, which creates a new array out of the original array where a function has been applied to each element. In this case, the function parses the From field into a name and email address using regular expression.

Finally, this new array, containing the Name, Email Address and Message Body, is returned to whichever function called the extractEmails() function.

Here’s the code:

function extractEmails() {
  // define label
  var label = 'marketing-formula-challenge-#3';
  // get all email threads that match label from Sheet
  var threads ="label:" + label);
  // get all the messages for the current batch of threads
  var messages = GmailApp.getMessagesForThreads(threads);
  var emailArray = [];
  // get array of email addresses
  messages.forEach(function(message) {
    message.forEach(function(d) {
  // parse the From field
  var parsedEmailArray = {
    var name = "";
    var email = "";
    var matches = el[0].match(/\s*"?([^"]*)"?\s+<(.+)>/);
    if (matches) {
      name = matches[1]; 
      email = matches[2];
    else {
      name = "N/k";
      email = el;
    return [name,email,"'"+el[1]];
  return parsedEmailArray;

To paste into the Google Sheet, I created this function, which actually calls the extractEmails() function on line 8 to retrieve the email data:

function pasteToSheet() {
  // get the spreadsheet
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();  
  // get email data
  var emailArray = extractEmails();
  // clear any old data
  // paste in new names and emails and sort by email address A - Z

Running this pasteToSheet() function creates a Google Sheet with the Name, Email Address and Message Body in columns A, B and C:

Gmail Mail Merge Google Sheet

Now review each row and assign a category. You want to have enough categories to catch the main differences in responses but not too many that it becomes manual and tedious (which we’re trying to get away from!).

For example, in this formula challenge, I had these four categories:

Correct, Extra Transpose, Other, N/a

Part 2: Create Reply Templates In Google Sheets

In a different tab (which I called “Reply Templates”), create your reply templates. These are the boilerplate replies for each generic category.

Gmail Mail Merge Reply Templates

Then use a standard VLOOKUP to add one of these reply templates to each row, based on the category:

=VLOOKUP(D2,'Reply Templates'!$A$1:$B$6,2,FALSE)

The Sheet now looks like this (click to enlarge):

Gmail Mail Merge Vlookup

Part 3: Create Draft Replies For Gmail Mail Merge

The final step is to create draft Gmail replies for each email in your Sheet, and then send them after a quick review.

This function retrieves the extracted email data from the Sheet, then searches for them in the label folder. It creates a draft reply for each email with the reply template response from the Sheet data.

function createDraftReplies() {
  // grab the email addresses from Google Sheet
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
  var data = sheet.getRange(2,1,sheet.getLastRow(),7).getValues();
  // loop over them, find mnost recent email under that label for that email address
  data.forEach(function(arr) {
    if (arr[6] === "") {
      var emailAddress = arr[1];
      var reply = arr[5];
      var threads ='label:marketing-formula-challenge-#3 from:' + emailAddress)[0];
      var message = threads.getMessages()[0];

When the script has finished running, all of the emails in this label folder will have a draft reply.

Review them, customize them if needed and press Send! ?

Gmail Mail Merge Notes

1) I could have used the reply method of the GmailApp service to automatically send replies and skip the draft review process. This would be useful if reviewing each draft was too time consuming at scale.

2) I did not include any error handling in this script.

This was deliberate because I was creating a one-use-and-done solution so I wanted to move as quickly as possible. This is one of the strengths of Apps Script. You can use it to create quick and dirty type of solutions to fill little gaps in your workflow. If the problem is specific enough, and not intended to be used elsewhere, you don’t need to worry too much about error handling and edge cases.

3) Lastly, be aware of Apps Script quotas when sending emails automatically with Apps Script. It’s 100 for consumer plans and 1,500 for G Suite (Business and Education).

How to reply to Google Forms survey responses quickly with Sheets & Apps Script

Google Forms survey email tool system
1. User submits Google Forms survey
2. Response logged in Google Sheet
3. Google Apps Script parses responses and sends emails
4. Original user receives reply!

You’re happy!

You sent out a Google Forms survey to your customers and received hundreds of responses.

They’re sitting pretty in a Google Sheet but now you’re wondering how you can possibly reply to all those people to say thank you.

Manually composing a new email for each person, in turn, will take forever. It’s not an efficient use of your time.

You could use an ESP like Mailchimp to send a bulk “Thank You” message, but it won’t be personal. It’ll be a generic, bland email and nobody likes that. It won’t engage your customers and you’ll be missing an opportunity to start a genuine conversation and reply to any feedback from the survey.

Thankfully, there is another way.

Of course, there is, otherwise, why would I be writing this tutorial! 😉

By adding a reply column to your Google Sheet, next to the Google Forms survey responses, you can efficiently compose a personal response to every single survey respondent.

Then, using Google Apps Script (a Javascript-based language to extend Google Workspace), you can construct an email programmatically for each person, and send out the responses in bulk directly from your Google Sheet.

Continue reading How to reply to Google Forms survey responses quickly with Sheets & Apps Script

How To Extract Email Addresses Tagged With A Specific Gmail Label

Extract email from Gmail

Everyone uses email in different ways. For me, email is at the very centre of my business. Everything flows through my Gmail account.

Being able to categorize all work enquiries or questions with a specific label, for example Queries (which I nest under my Work label) is one of the most useful features of Gmail.

Recently I needed to extract all of the email addresses for the hundreds of messages under this label. Super tedious to do manually, but thankfully there’s a much quicker way using Apps Script.

In this post, we’ll see how to setup a Google Sheet to extract all the email address for a specific Gmail label. I’ll share the code and walk through it with you. Continue reading How To Extract Email Addresses Tagged With A Specific Gmail Label