Best wishes to all of you for 2020!

This is my 5th annual review post.
I’m proud and thankful that I get to write this post every year, because it means I’m still running my own show and my business is still going.
At this time of year I like to pause. Stop doing the busy work. Step off the treadmill and look back at 2019 to acknowledge what I achieved, what went well, and what can be improved. To look forward to 2020 and make plans for the year ahead.
2019 was my most successful year as an independent, small-business owner. It was great to hit some big milestones this year and see the previous years of hard work pay off.
I’m full of optimism for 2020 and think it’ll be another fantastic year, building on the success of 2019.
Did I Meet My 2019 Goals?
My goals for 2019 were:
- Create a follow-up Apps Script course — Yes, I achieved this!
- Create two other courses — 50% success. I launched one other new course
- Attend the Google Next 19 conference — Yes, it was one of the highlights of the year
- Continue to grow the community on this site and the online school — Yes (this was a rather meaningless goal without any metrics though!)
- Hold more webinars in 2019 — This I completely failed at, although I was a guest on a number of webinars and podcasts
- Deepen my digital analytics and marketing knowledge, and also continue experimenting with data science and Google Cloud topics — I did improve my knowledge of SEO this year, but didn’t really make any progress in other topics. However, I’ve come to realize that my expertise doesn’t lie in this area and my time is best spent on my core business. I do still want to dive deeper into Google Cloud this year though.
2019 Highlights
Online Courses
I launched two new courses:
- Automation With Apps Script
- Extreme Formulas (Edit 2023: no longer available)
The Collins School of Data continues to grow with over 20,000 students now! (Thank you all!)
- I published 17 new pieces of content on (down on previous years and something I want to increase again in 2020). However, almost all of them are long-form tutorials.
- The traffic to continues to climb, reaching around 170k users/month for around 300k pageviews/month. Overall, the site has seen 3.4 million pageviews this year and 1.8 million users. Wow!
- The traffic grew in the first quarter of the year and then largely plateaued for the rest of the year, so I have work to do to grow again.
My favorite posts of the year were:
- Google Sheets Formula Clock (the craziest spreadsheet formula I’ve ever created. This was a really satisfying exploration of formulas in Google Sheets.)
- Goal Seek in Google Sheets
- How to connect the Strava API with Google Sheets and Data Studio (I was happy to finally figure this out, although it already needs an update!)
- In Pursuit Of A Dream (fun to write about our move to Harpers Ferry, WV)
- Google Next 19 Conference – Live Blog
Google Sheets Tips Newsletter
- I sent out a Google Sheets tip every Monday of this year except two (once I was sick and once for Christmas week). I was really happy to achieve this consistency and I’ve seen great growth and engagement around this list.
- Over 30k people are now signed up to my email list
- Popular emails were the formula challenges and this long form email on the mind-blowing facts behind card shuffling
Travel & Conferences
This year I traveled three times for work:
- In April, I attended the Google Next conference in San Francisco. It’s one of the highlights of the year for me because of the energy and people I spend time with. It’s such an inspiration for the rest of the year. Like 2018, I live blogged whilst I was there, covering anything related to Google Sheets. I’ll be there again in 2020. Holler if you’ll be there!
- In August Google invited me to New York to give a presentation to the Google Sheets team about my work. This was a real honor! I enjoyed meeting the team responsible for this product that I love.
- In December, I traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark to lead a 75-person workshop for the UN, teaching advanced Google Sheets techniques to help their team transition from Excel to Google Sheets.
Becoming a Google Developer Expert
2019 started in the best possible way!
I became a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in January. It’s been an honor to receive this award and be part of the program. The relationships I’ve developed with other GDEs and Googlers have been fantastic and inspirational. The G Suite GDE family are a great bunch!
I was sad to miss the 2019 GDE summit but hopefully I’ll be there in 2020!
Non-Work Highlights
- Moving to a mountain town. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having the woods and mountains easily accessible. It’s made a huge difference to our lifestyle. (I wrote more about our move from a work perspective and an outdoors perspective.)
- A huge benefit of living in the mountains are the weekly hikes (like this one up Loudon Heights on the A.T.)
- A wonderful trip home to the UK to visit family. My brother came over from Australia with his family and it was a joy to see all the cousins play together. My eldest son Dominic, upon meeting his 1 year-old cousin Henry for the first time, exclaimed, “He’s a little bit fat isn’t he?”. It made us all laugh.
- During this trip, my brother and I had a sublime day hiking in Snowdonia National Park.
- On the three work trips I did, I explored each city on foot (San Francisco, New York City and Copenhagen).
- Getting fit again with the weekly hiking, running and biking. It hasn’t all been plain sailing though with injuries and illnesses still impacting my year, but I’m in much better shape than I was in Florida last year.
- The weekly brainstorming hike with my wife. This has rapidly become one of the highlights of my week.
- Watching my boys grow. Teaching them about the world. Taking them on hikes. Laughing at their silly questions and funny actions. It’s both the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.
- I read 24 books this year, beating last year’s tally (my long term goal is still 52 books, so some way to go!). My highlights this year were:
- Company of One – Paul Jarvis
- Atomic Habits – James Clear
- The Paris Architect: A Novel – Charles Belfoure
- Kochland – Christopher Leonard
- Shadow Divers – Robert Kurson
- Seveneves – Neal Stephenson
- The Goldfinch – Donna Tart
- Other things I enjoyed in 2019:
- Following the Bloodhound Land Speed Record team
- Following Borge Ousland and Mike Horn cross the North Pole in winter (unfathomably hard)
- Supporting Liverpool football club and watching them evolve into arguably the best team in the world through sheer drive and hard work
Challenges In 2019
In recent years I’ve experienced a number of health challenges, and this year was no exception. A nasty chest infection in March turned into pneumonia and landed me in hospital again. I recovered completely but work and life was impacted (another course launch postponed, sigh).
I was pretty healthy through the summer with lots of time outdoors. The trip to the UK was tiring and took some time to recover from. Right at the end of 2019, in the week before Christmas, another chest infection completely knocked me off my feet and necessitated a trip to the ER. A dose of meds straightened me out but it was a rough week.
After years of slow decline in my fitness levels, I reversed the trend this year and am now fitter than I was at the start of the year. I can run and hike much stronger than my Florida self could.
The transition from flat road-running in Florida to mountain running in West Virginia came at a price though. I suffered shin splints for the first time in my life over the Summer and am still managing my running now. I’m confident I’ll be back to normal on that front soon though.
By far the biggest challenge of my life continues to be the balance of being a good husband and father whilst running my own business and keeping fit. It’s hard to not feel like you’re failing on all these fronts, despite going full tilt all the time. All one can do is keep trying!
Looking Forwards To 2020
New Initiatives
- In January, I’ll be launching a new website, Excel to Sheets, to help organizations migrate from Microsoft Excel to Google Sheets. This is one of the big project areas I want to work on in 2020. Expect to see some blog posts tackling objections that Excel users have to Google Sheets.
- In March, I’ll be running an online event for all things Google Sheets. It’s going to be huge and very exciting! More details coming soon!
2020 Work Goals
- Publish more high-quality tutorials than in 2019 (target > 17)
- Hit 50k newsletter subscribers and send out a tip every Monday
- Update my existing Google Sheets courses
- Create one new Google Sheets course
- Run 10 in-person workshops
- Re-brand my digital assets
- Find a VA to help with the business
- Live-blog Google Next 2020 again
- Work through this book from last year that I haven’t started yet Data Science on the Google Cloud Platform
Other 2020 Goals
- My overall number 1 goal for 2020 is to be healthy
- Fitness goals: be active 5 times/week (a mix of spin classes, runs and at least 1 run/hike up the mountain)
- Keep up the weekly brainstorming hike with my wife
- Read 30 books
Thank You
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my experiences and knowledge, and carve out this teaching niche.
My mission remains to create a world-class resource for learning Google Sheets and data analysis. The work continues!
Finally, best wishes to all of you for 2020!
Ben – thank you for your awesome tips this year and the courses. They are fantastic and I have learned a ton. BTW that looks like the Potomac behind you in the pic, is it? I live in Virginia near Lucketts and spend a lot of time on the river. Happy New Year and please keep the great content coming!
Thanks, Mark! That is the Potomac in the background. The picture was taken from the top of Weverton Cliffs, Md.
Thanks, for this not merely commendable but admirable look back and ahead. Here’s hoping next year is all you’re working toward and more. I will echo the importance of your number 1 goal. Remember it’s not important just for you and your family, but there are lot of us out here who are inspired and taught to become more capable in Sheets and thereby in all we do with it, thanks to you.
So don’t mess around w/ #1 and while there’s no need to overshare the details of one’s personal life, I note the omission of goals regarding sleep and nutrition, and if you aren’t intentional about those I’ll presume to suggest looking at:
Dr. Matthew Walker, Why we Sleep
Dr. Michael Greger, How Not to Die, NutritionFacts.Org
If you don’t have time for the books each has done a number of podcasts which get you the gist.
Happy New Year.
Thanks, Brien! That Why We Sleep book is on my list for this year. Totally agree, sleep is vital.
Hi Ben,
Just wanted to say that I find your weekly emails inspiring and informative. They not only give bite-sized tips and tricks but also encourage people to ‘query’, learn and develop their google sheets product skills overall.
Although you have not done as many webinars as you would have liked I did view 2 of them and found them to be very concise and easy to understand. It’s people like you that help the world to move forward in the realms of software tech so thank you for you hard work.
Best of luck for 2020!
Thanks, Daniel! Best of luck for 2020 too!
I would like to commend you for your consistency and perseverance, Ben. Your knowledge pales in comparison to these truly admirable qualities, in my view. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and productive 2020.
Thanks, Travis! All the best to you for 2020 too!
Hi Ben! Thanks for all the tips you share.
30 books in a year? wao! My goal for this year is 10! but I hope to reach this goal!
New courses? I’m in bro!
did you forget GAS or App Maker? I hope so 🙂
Well HNY, I will take some of your tips to set my 2020 goals!
Thanks, Mozart! Best wishes for 2020!
A backlit Kindle has helped me read that many books, since I can still read when the lights are out at night.
All the best in 2020 Ben, enjoyable reading your year in review and look forward. As a carpenter who tinkers with Sheets for fun (who knew there were so many ways to analyze my kids and their teams bowling stats, learning to use QUERY has been a blast) , your tutelage is something I rely on. Cheers!
Thanks, Tom! All the best for 2020!
Hi Ben,
Happy New Year to You and Your Family.
Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us all with the Google Sheets. It has helped me so much.
Stay Healthy and Keep up the Great Work.
Keep Smiling,
Coletta Sue
Thanks, Coletta Sue! Best wishes to you for 2020 too!
So great to read about all your success. Its many years since Jemma and I met you and your friend (can’t remember his name?) in South America, We both have very fond memories of that trip. Ive just been away for three months with husband and Jemma now has a fitness business and two young boys. Time has flown. Good luck to you and family. Maybe our paths will cross again one day.