Show data from the GitHub API in Google Sheets, using Apps Script and Oauth

This post shows you how to connect a Google Sheet to GitHub’s API, with Oauth and Apps Script. The goal is to retrieve data and information from GitHub and show it in your Google Sheet, for further analysis and visualization.

If you manage a development team or you’re a technical project manager, then this could be a really useful way of analyzing and visualizing your team’s or project’s coding statistics against goals, such as number of commits, languages, people involved etc. over time.


  1. What are Git and GitHub?
  2. Access GitHub API using Basic Authentication
  3. Access GitHub API using OAuth2 Authentication
  4. Resources and further reading

Note, this is not a post about integrating your Apps Script environment with GitHub to push/pull your code to GitHub. That’s an entirely different process, covered in detail here by Google Developer Expert Martin Hawksey.

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