10 Tips To Build A Google Sheets Budget Template

It probably won’t surprise you to hear that I use a Google Sheets budget template to track my finances, both incomings and outgoing, at home and for my business.

The dashboards available through online banking sites are pretty rudimentary. They don’t give much insight into what’s happening with my finances, particularly over longer time frames.

I like using Google Sheets, as opposed to another third party service like Mint, because it’s fully customizable. It’s easy to use and I can share any spending or budget templates easily with my wife.

Google Sheets budget template with Tiller

I’m not a financial expert, so I won’t be dispensing any financial advice here. I won’t opine on what you should or shouldn’t show in your spending and budget templates in this post, nor will I talk about what your financial goals should be or how to get there.

What I will do in this post however, is show you some useful tips in Google Sheets that you can use for building your own budget templates. Techniques to make them more insightful and more helpful for reaching your goals.

Continue reading 10 Tips To Build A Google Sheets Budget Template

Show data from the GitHub API in Google Sheets, using Apps Script and Oauth

This post shows you how to connect a Google Sheet to GitHub’s API, with Oauth and Apps Script. The goal is to retrieve data and information from GitHub and show it in your Google Sheet, for further analysis and visualization.

If you manage a development team or you’re a technical project manager, then this could be a really useful way of analyzing and visualizing your team’s or project’s coding statistics against goals, such as number of commits, languages, people involved etc. over time.


  1. What are Git and GitHub?
  2. Access GitHub API using Basic Authentication
  3. Access GitHub API using OAuth2 Authentication
  4. Resources and further reading

Note, this is not a post about integrating your Apps Script environment with GitHub to push/pull your code to GitHub. That’s an entirely different process, covered in detail here by Google Developer Expert Martin Hawksey.

Continue reading Show data from the GitHub API in Google Sheets, using Apps Script and Oauth

How to add a total row to a Query Function table in Google Sheets

This article looks at how to add a total row to tables generated using the Query function in Google Sheets. It’s an interesting use case for array formulas, using the {...} notation, rather than the ArrayFormula notation.

So what the heck does this all mean?

It means we’re going to see how to add a total row like this:

How to add a total row to a Google Sheets QUERY table
Table on the left without a total row; Table on the right showing a total row added

using an array formula of this form:

= { QUERY ; { "TOTAL" , SUM(range) } }

Continue reading How to add a total row to a Query Function table in Google Sheets

Multi-colored line charts in Google Sheets

In this article, you’ll see how to create a multi-colored line chart in Google Sheets, for example when the line is increasing it’s colored green, when it’s decreasing it’s colored red, as shown in this image:

multi-colored line chart in Google Sheets

Colors are a powerful way of adding context to your charts, to bring attention to certain trends and add additional understanding.

The embedded charts tool in Google Sheets is pretty basic, so we can only achieve this with a formula workaround.

How do I create a multi-colored line chart in Google Sheets?

Basic Example

Let’s start with this basic dataset:

line chart data in google sheets

which, when charted, looks like this:

Basic line chart in google Sheets

To create the colored version seen at the top of this post, we need to add helper columns to the dataset, one to create a dataset of decreasing values, and an optional column to mark the inflection points (where the line changes from going up to going down, or vice versa).

The finished dataset looks like this:

multi colored line chart dataset

The green highlighted cells contain formulas to calculate the decreasing data and the inflection points (see below). The first and last lines in column C and D (cells C2, D2, C11, D11 in this case) are left blank.

The IF function in column C, starting in cell C3 down to C10 is:


The formula in column D, for identifying inflection points, starting in cell D3 down to D10, is:


With this data table setup, highlight the whole table (use Ctrl + A, or Cmd + A on a Mac, to do this quickly) and Insert > Chart...:

Multi colored line chart setup in Google Sheets

Then simply format to the style you want, such as coloring the Increasing Series in green and the Decreasing Series in red:

multi-colored line chart in Google Sheets

Problem with this basic interpretation of this chart

This method has a drawback though, if you have adjacent inflection points, i.e decreasing – increasing – decreasing, then it tricks the chart so it colors the whole section decreasing, as shown in this image:

Problem with basic version of multi-colored line chart

The fix

If you encounter this issue of adjacent inflection points, then you’ll need to create additional decreasing series to separate them, like this example dataset:

complex  line chart data

The final chart will then look like this:

complex multi colored line chart

Add the inflection point values

Again we need to split the inflection point data into two columns so there are no adjacent inflection points in these series. The dataset now looks like:

line chart data

and the final chart:

Complex multi-colored line chart in google sheets

Even more customization options

Select the Combo chart instead of the straightforward line chart and change the increasing series to a line and the decreasing series to area charts:

Combo chart in Google Sheets

Your final chart will look like this:

Multi colored combo chart in Google Sheets

And here’s the version with the inflection points marked:

Complex multi-colored line chart in google sheets

Can I see an example worksheet?

Yes, here you go.

Reverse Text In Google Sheets

In this example, you’ll see how to reverse text in Google Sheets.

To start, enter some text into cell A1 and the formula in cell B1, to reverse the order of the text:

Text reverse in Google Sheets

Reverse Text In Google Sheets

What’s the formula?


It’s a beast! See below for a detailed breakdown of how it works.

It might be useful if you wanted to find the last character in a string, or the last occurrence of a character using the FIND() function.

Here’s an alternative, which reverses the capitalization too (submitted by Michael D over email – thanks!):


Can I see an example worksheet?

Yes, here you go.

How does this formula work?

Basically we make an array of numbers corresponding to how many letters are in the original text string. Then we reverse that, so the array shows the largest number first. Then we extract each letter at that position (so the largest number will extract the last letter, the second largest will extract the second-to-last letter, etc., all the way to the smallest number extracting the first letter). Then we concatenate these individual letters.

Easy! Err…

The only way to really understand this formula is to break it down, starting from the inner functions and building back out.

Assuming we have the text string “Abc” in cell A1, then let’s build the formula up in cell B1, step-by-step:

Step 1:

Use the LEN function to calculate the length of the text string and turn it into a range string with “1:”&LEN(A1)

Use the INDIRECT function to turn this string range reference into a valid range reference.

Finally wrap with ROW to convert into a row number list.


which outputs a result of 1 in cell B1.

Step 2:

Turn the formula into an array formula, by hitting Ctrl + Shift + Enter, or Cmd + Shift + Enter (on a Mac), to the formula above. This will add the ArrayFormula wrapper around the formula:


This outputs 1 in cell B1, 2 in cell B2 and 3 in cell B3:

Array to reverse text

Step 3:

Reverse the output, so 3 is in cell B1, 2 in B2 and 1 in B3, by subtracting from the length of the text in A1 and adding 1 to avoid 0:

=ArrayFormula(LEN(A1)-ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))) + 1)

Step 4:

Use the MID formula to now extract the letters at position 3 (“c”), position 2 (“b”) and position 1 (“A”) and display in cells B1:B3:

=ArrayFormula(MID(A1,LEN(A1)-ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))) + 1 , 1))

so your output is now:

MID formula in Google Sheets

Step 5:

Concatenate so that all the individual outputs are combined into a single cell:

=ArrayFormula(CONCATENATE(MID(A1,LEN(A1)-ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))) + 1 , 1)))

Reverse text in google sheets

Step 6 (optional):

The string is essentially reversed now, so we could stop here.

However, you can use the PROPER function to capitalize the first letters of each word only, for a true reverse effect:

=ArrayFormula(PROPER(CONCATENATE(MID(A1,LEN(A1)-ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))) + 1 , 1))))

Step 7 (optional):

Last step is to add in an IFERROR function to avoid an unsightly error message if the input cell (A1) is blank:


Final output:

Here’s the formula in action again:

Reverse text in google sheets

Further Reading

You might also like this article on Using Text Rotation to Create Custom Table Headers in Google Sheets.