A Complete Guide To The CHAR Function In Google Sheets

The CHAR function in Google Sheets is a nifty function that converts a number into a special character according to the current Unicode table.

It’s super easy to use and is a great way to add some fun to your Google Sheets.

What is the CHAR Function?

It’s a function that turns numbers into special characters, e.g. emojis, in your Google Sheets.

For example, suppose you want to add a smiling emoji to your Sheet.

Of course you can copy-paste it into your Sheet, but you can also enter it via a formula:

Smiley Face Emoji with CHAR function

Adding it via a formula has the advantage that you can generate and use these special characters in other formulas more easily than if they are text characters.

As another example, maybe you want some fish in your Google Sheet? Sure, here you go:

Fish formula with CHAR function

Or perhaps a picture of a lion next to the Statue of Liberty:

Lion Statue Liberty in Google Sheets

The point is, you can use the CHAR function to generate thousands of special characters in your Google Sheets and add some fun and self-expression.

There are lots of more practical examples of the CHAR function further down this post.

CHAR Function in Google Sheets Syntax

It takes one argument that is a number. It can be entered directly as a number, reference another cell containing a number, or contain a nested formula that outputs a number.







It converts the given number into a special character according to the current Unicode table.

It’s part of the TEXT family of functions in Google Sheets.

How To Get The Numbers For The CHAR Function

I use a tool called Graphemica to find the number of special characters.

The workflow is:

  1. Search for a character, e.g. music
  2. Select the character you want, e.g. quarter note ♩
  3. Scroll down to the Code section
  4. Copy the numbers after &# from the HTML Entity (Decimal) section, e.g. 9833. The HTML Entity number is the decimal representation of the unicode number, which the CHAR function requires.
  5. Add to the CHAR function in your Google Sheet, e.g.

Here is what this process looks like:

Graphemica Workflow

You can also explore the CHAR formula output by putting this formula into cell A1:


And dragging it down as far as you dare!

Or open this Sheet where I’ve done that for you 😉

The first 32 rows are blank and the emoji characters start around row 129292…

CHAR Function Template

Click here to get a copy of the CHAR Function Template

Feel free to make a copy: File > Make a copy…

If you can’t access the template, it might be because of your organization’s Google Workspace settings. If you right-click the link and open it in an Incognito window you’ll be able to see it.

The CHAR formula is also covered in the Day 30 lesson of my free Advanced Formulas 30 Day Challenge course.

You can also read about it in the Google documentation.

Interesting CHAR Function Examples

Star Rating

You can use the CHAR function with the REPT function to create a star rating system.

Star Rating in Google Sheets

The formula is:


Header Tricks

Header with arrows in Google Sheets

The formula for this is:

="Cohort " & CHAR(8594) & CHAR(10) & "Months after signup "&CHAR(8595)

Here’s an alternative header trick, using text rotation:

Header with text rotation in Google Sheets using the CHAR function

The formula for this example is:

="Sales Quarter" & CHAR(10) & REPT(CHAR(8211),15) & CHAR(10) & "Regions"

Set the text rotation to -35 or -45 to achieve the same look.

Superscript and Subscript Example

Use the CHAR function to add superscripts and subscripts to words, which is especially useful for creating math or science equations in Google Sheets:

Math Equation in Google Sheets

See this post: How To Add Subscript and Superscript In Google Sheets

Playing Cards

Here’s a nice example of the CHAR function used to show playing cards in your Google Sheet, as part of an explanation as to why a shuffled deck of cards is unique.

Deck of cards in Google Sheets with the CHAR function

Fruit Machine

Naturally, you can and should build something silly with the CHAR function, like this fruit machine.

Toggle the checkbox to shuffle the fruits to see if you hit the jackpot!

Fruit Machine Jackpot with the CHAR function

How does this work?

Firstly, we create a lookup table with the fruits, shown here with their character codes:

Fruits Array in Google Sheets

Then we create the fruit machine algorithm with the RANDBETWEEN function, the INDEX function, and array literals:


The RANDBETWEEN function randomly selects a number between 1 and 9. The INDEX function returns the fruit at that position from the fruit array.

The curly brackets (array literals) create an array of the three fruits next to each other.

Every time the checkbox is toggled, it causes the RANDBETWEEN to recalculate.

Finally, we use this IF function to check if it’s a jackpot:

=IF(PRODUCT(B20:D20)=343,"JACKPOT!!!","Try again...")

There are thousands more CHAR characters to explore, so I encourage you to go and experiment.

Etch A Sheet In Google Sheets

I was playing with my children the other day when one of them grabbed our Etch A Sketch toy and started drawing a treasure map with it.

Sitting in my office later that day I had a crazy thought “Could I build a working Etch A Sketch in Google Sheets?”

Two days later and boom! Here it is:

Etch A Sheet Game In Google Sheets

🔗 Grab your own copy of the template at the bottom of this article.

The game works using four techniques:

  1. Checkboxes as buttons
  2. Self-referencing formulas with iterative calculations
  3. Dynamic array, or spill, formulas to generate coordinates
  4. A sparkline formula to draw the line

It doesn’t use any code. In fact, it’s created entirely with the native built-in functions of Google Sheets.

Before I dive in though, I want to acknowledge a fellow Google Sheets aficionado…

Hat Tip To Tyler Robertson

Tyler Robertson is a Google Sheets wizard who’s built an amazing portfolio of spreadsheet games (described by some as the Sistine Chapel for spreadsheets) using only built-in formulas.

Thankfully, he hasn’t built an Etch A Sketch clone yet 😉

This Etch A Sheet game uses Tyler’s checkboxes as a button technique, and has similar logic to his moving-a-character-around-a-Sheet game.

So thank you, Tyler, for your amazing work!

How Does Etch A Sheet Work?

Etch A Sheet Game In Google Sheets

Just like the real Etch A Sketch game, there are controls to move the stylus left or right and up or down, to create lineographic images.

Since you can’t “shake” a Google Sheet (although I bet you wish you could sometimes!), there’s an additional reset checkbox to clear out the image and put the stylus back to the bottom left corner.

Etch A Sheet Formulas

There’s a button to open up the right side of the Sheet and see the formulas that generate coordinates for the sparkline function:

Etch A Sheet formulas

The buttons are regular checkboxes, which toggle a TRUE/FALSE value in the cell.

The checkbox in cell H30 is the reset checkbox and I’ve called it “reset” in the named ranges box.

Named Range in Google Sheets

Left Button Formulas

In cell V3:


In cell U3:


I also named U3 “right”.

Then in cell W3:


With iterative calculation switched on (see File > Settings > Calculation) and set to a maximum of 1 iteration, these formulas let the checkboxes function as buttons (see Tyler Robertson’s post for more details of how this works).

Starting Coordinates

I put the value 1 in cell U16 and named it “startX”.

Similarly, I put a 1 in cell U19 and named it “startY”.

Current X Formula

The main IFS function, which controls the horizontal X coordinate, is in cell V16:

=IFS(reset, startX, AND(right,currentX<50), currentX+1, AND(left,currentX>1), currentX-1, TRUE, currentX)

This formula cell is labeled as a named range “currentX”.

Firstly, it checks if the reset button is checked and if it is, resets the value of the cell to the starting X value.

If the reset button is unchecked, i.e. FALSE, then it checks if the right button is pressed and the current X is less than 50, using an AND function, and if it is, adds 1 to the current value.

Otherwise, if the left button is pressed and the current X is greater than 1, it subtracts 1 from the current value.

Finally, there is a TRUE condition to act as a catch-all when the previous conditions fail. It sets the value back to the start value.

X Path Formula

This self-referencing formula is put into the adjacent cell, W16, and called “xPath”.

It appends each new current value to itself to create a string of x values as the buttons are pressed, i.e. “1”, “1,2”, “1,2,3”, “1,2,3,4” etc.

=IF(reset,,xPath & "," & currentX)

For this to work, the spreadsheet needs to have iterative calculations enabled with a max of 1 iteration.

The settings are found under the File > Settings > Calculation:

Google Sheet settings

X Number Formula

This formula turns the xPath string of values into a column of numbers, which is fed into the sparkline function in the next step.


The SPLIT function breaks up the previous string of data, by the comma separator.

The TRANSPOSE function turns the array from a row vector to a column vector.

The IFERROR function wrapper hides the error message when the xPath variable is empty.

Y Formulas

The same formulas are replicated to create a column of Y coordinates.

Sparkline Formula

=IFERROR(SPARKLINE(Q3:R,{"linewidth",2 ; "xmin",1 ; "xmax",50 ; "ymin",1 ; "ymax",50}),"")

Here, the sparkline formula takes the X Number and Y Number coordinates (two columns of numbers) and simply plots them as a line.

In the sparkline options, I’ve set the linewidth to 2 so it stands out more. I also set min and max values for the canvas, so that the drawing always starts from the bottom left.

Using Groups To Show/Hide Content

This is another interesting technique, used here to show or hide content that doesn’t need to be on display all the time. I’ve used the same technique for the “Formulas” section, shown in the GIF above.

The grouped row button below the Etch A Sheet board shows and hides the instructions section when it is toggled:

Etch A Sheet instructions

Finishing Touches

There are a few other steps to complete the Etch A Sheet:

  • Merge a big section of cells for the sparkline area
  • Add a thick red background around the outside of the Etch A Sheet
  • Add a heading, in a playful gold-colored font
  • Remove gridlines (one of the best tips to make your Sheets look good!)

And there you have it!


Alternative Controls

To stay true to the original game, I put the horizontal checkbox buttons on the left side and the vertical controls on the right side.

However, these are awkward to press because you have to jump back and forth between them with your cursor. Of course, it doesn’t matter with the physical Etch A Sketch because the dials are positioned for each hand and can be operated simultaneously.

Perhaps a better approach in the Sheet version is to put the checkbox buttons close together so that the cursor movement is minimized.

Alternative Controls

Starting From The Previous Position

Every Etch A Sheet game restarts from (1,1).

However, when you turn a real Etch A Sketch upside down, shake it, and then restart, the line is drawn from wherever it last finished. It does NOT revert back to the bottom left.

So I’ll leave this as a challenge for you! Can you modify the formulas to match this behavior?

Formula Bug

If you look really closely at the GIFs in this post, you’ll notice that the line is one step behind the button press. I.e. when I press a button, it has to draw the previous step still before registering the new button action. Obviously, this is not ideal.

Again, I leave this as a challenge for you to explore…

Unfortunately, I have to get back to my actual work now, so I’m going to leave this fix for another day. This project exceeded my expectations (It was a lot of fun! It was intellectually challenging! I learned some new techniques!) so I feel satisfied with this outcome. I don’t feel the need to make it perfect.

Etch A Sheet Template

Open the Etch A Sheet template here.

Make your own copy: File > Make a copy

(Note: If you are unable to open this file, it’s probably because it’s from an outside organization and my Google Workspace domain is not whitelisted at your organization. You may be able to ask your Google Workspace administrator about this. In the meantime, feel free to open it in an incognito window and you should be able to view it.)

If it does not appear to work, check you have the iterative calculations enabled.

Go to File > Settings > Calculation

Make sure Iterative Calculations is ON and set to 1 iteration. See the image under “X Path Formula” for more details.

If you do make a copy, I’d love to see what you draw with it!

Dot Plots In Google Sheets

Dot plots are simple charts consisting of dots plotted on a simple scale, typically used to show small counts or distributions.

Dot plots are one of the simplest statistical charts, only suitable for small-sized data sets. They’re helpful for understanding the “shape” of your data by highlighting clusters, gaps, and outliers. (A histogram is better suited to showing the data distribution of larger datasets, e.g. > 30 datapoints.)

Here’s a table using dot plots to show the hypothetical number of meetings per day for these five employees:

Dot Plot in Google Sheets

How To Create Dot Plots In Google Sheets

You create dot plots in Google Sheets with formulas! 

Suppose we have this data in row 1 of a Google Sheet, in cells A1 to E1:

Data for Dot Plot in Google Sheets

Step 1: 

Create a basic REPT function next to the data, e.g. in cell F1:


Step 2:

Next, turn this REPT formula into an array formula:


Step 3:

Then use the JOIN function and CHAR function to combine the array output. CHAR(10) creates a carriage return, which we use as the delimiter:


Step 4 (optional):

Convert the * into circles with the CHAR function:

=ArrayFormula( JOIN(CHAR(10),REPT(CHAR(9679), A1:E1)))

Step 5 (optional):

Rotate the cell up:

Format > Rotation > Rotate up

Here’s an image showing the outputs for these 5 steps in column F:

Dot Plot workings

How To Create Multi-Colored Dot Plots In Google Sheets

Taking this idea one step further, we can add colored symbols to indicate the relative counts.

Here’s an example with green dots for large counts, then orange, and then red dots for the smallest counts:

Multi-Colored Dot Plot in Google Sheets

The formula is more complex and uses the IFS Function to categorize the inputs by relative size:


How does this formula work?

It’s an array formula that takes an input of the five numbers in columns A to E.

Inside the IFS function, the number (e.g. 7) is divided by the maximum number in the range (10 in this example) and compared to see if it’s bigger than the first threshold (0.85 in this example). If this is true, then the green dot is plotted, otherwise, the threshold is checked (0.5 in this example) If that’s true, then orange dot is used. If that is not true, then the red dot is used as the default.

The REPT function and the JOIN function perform the same way as step 3 above for the simpler single color example.

You can also replace the colored dots in this formula with their CHAR function equivalents, to keep it entirely formula driven:


As a final step, don’t forget to rotate the cell text up, to get the dots plotted as columns rather than bars.


This Dot Plot technique first appeared in issue 188 of my weekly Google Sheets Tips newsletter. Signup here if you’d like to receive it!.

Thanks to reader Marcel L. for his sharing his idea for the multi-colored dot plot.

How To Set Default Values For Cells In Google Sheets

In this post, you’ll learn how to set default values for cells in Google Sheets, without using Google Apps Script code.

In the Sheet below, the cells in column B have default values of 100, 25, and 10 respectively. If a user types in a value (e.g. 200) it overwrites the default value. If a user deletes whatever value is in the cell already, then the default value of 100 is displayed again.

Default Values for cell in Google Sheets

Setting Default Values For Cells In Google Sheets

The key to make this technique work is to use Array Literals to create a formula which spills into the adjacent cell. This is a rather abstract concept, so let’s run through an example.

In a blank Sheet, write the value “Input” in cell A1. In cell B1, type this formula:


Your Sheet will look like this:

Default Value Setup Google Sheet

Try typing 200 in cell C1, over the top of the 100.

Cell C1 will show the 200, but cell B1 now displays a #REF! error.

Now, delete the value you just typed in cell C1. The error message disappears and the default value of 100 is displayed again.

Default cell Google Sheets

Finally, hide column B so that the #REF! error is never seen, and you have a default value of 100 set for cell C1.

Hidden column default value Google Sheets

🎩   Hat tip to my friend Scott Ribble for showing me this ingenious solution.

Advanced Default Values Without Hidden Column

The method above suffers from one drawback though: it necessitates a hidden column.

However, we can use a clever circular formula to address this.

In a new blank Sheet, add this formula in cell A1:


Initially, you may see this error message about a circular error (i.e. a formula that references itself):

Circular Error in Google Sheets

That is a problem, but we fix it by switching on iterative calculations and restricting them to a single iteration from the menu:

File > Settings

Go to “Calculation”.

Set “Iterative calculation” to “On” and the “Max number of iterations” to 1.

(The threshold can be left at 0.05 because it doesn’t apply in this case.)

Iterative Calculation Google Sheets

Now, you can enter any value you want in cell B1 and if you delete it, the default value of 100 will be shown.

How Does This Work?

The IF function checks whether cell B1 is blank.

If it is blank, then it outputs the array literal:


which displays “Input” in cell A1 and the value 100 in cell B1.

However, if cell B1 already has a value then the IF function output is just the string “Input” in cell A1.

Note: default values are not limited to numbers. It could be text, an image, or even another formula.

Default Values Checkbox Example

You can use default values to check or uncheck checkboxes. Here’s a cool illustration of how to create a select all checkbox in Google Sheets, using deafult values.

Thanks to one of the readers in the comments below for sharing this solution.

Default Values Formulas To Mimic Radio Buttons

Another interesting use case for these default values is to mimic radio buttons with formulas and checkboxes.

Radio button behavior with checkboxes and formulas

Column A contains array literal formulas that ensure a user can only select a single checkbox at a time.

How To Draw The Cantor Set In Google Sheets

The Cantor set is a special set of numbers lying between 0 and 1, with some fascinating properties.

It’s created by removing the middle third of a line segment and repeating ad infinitum with the remaining segments, as shown in this gif of the first 7 iterations:

Cantor Set Iterations

The formulas used to create the data for the Cantor set in Google Sheets are interesting, so it’s worth exploring for that reason alone, even if you’re not interested in the underlying mathematical concepts.

But let’s begin by understanding the set in more detail…

What Is The Cantor Set?

Cantor Set in Google Sheets

The Cantor set was discovered in 1874 by Henry John Stephen Smith and subsequently named after German mathematician Georg Cantor.

The construction shown in this post is called the Cantor ternary set, built by removing the middle third of a line segment and repeating ad infinitum with the remaining segments.

It is sometimes known as Cantor dust on account of the dust of points that remain after repeatedly removing the middle thirds. (Cantor dust also refers to the multi-dimensional version of the Cantor set.)

The set has some fascinating, counter-intuitive properties:

  • It is uncountable. That is, there are as many points left behind as there were to begin with.
  • It’s self-similar, meaning each subset looks like the whole set.
  • It’s fractal with a dimension that is not an integer.
  • It has an infinite number of points but a total length of 0.


How To Draw The Cantor Set In Google Sheets

To be clear, the Cantor set is the set of numbers that remain after removing the middle third an infinite number of times. That’s hard to comprehend, let alone do in a Google Sheet 😉

But we can create a picture representation of the Cantor set by repeating the algorithm ten times, as shown in this tutorial:

Create The Data

Step 1:

In a blank sheet called “Data”, type the number “1” into cell A1.

Step 2:

In cell B1, type this formula:

={ FILTER(A1:A,A1:A<>"") ;
SUM(FILTER(A1:A,A1:A<>"")) ;
FILTER(A1:A,A1:A<>"") }

Step 3:

Drag this across your sheet up to column J, which creates the data for the first 10 iterations.

Each formula references the column to the left. For example, the formula in cell D will reference column C.

Your data will look like this:

Data For Cantor Dust in Google Sheets

How does this formula work?

It combines array literals and the FILTER function.

Let’s break it down, using the onion framework.

The innermost formula is:


This formula grabs all the data from column A and returns any non-blank entries, in this case just the value “1”.

Now we combine two of these together with array literals:

={ FILTER(A1:A,A1:A<>"") ;
FILTER(A1:A,A1:A<>"") }

Here the array literals { ... ; ... } stack these two ranges.

In this first example, it puts the number “1” with another “1” beneath it in column B.

Then we add a third FILTER and also SUM the middle FILTER range to create our final Cantor set algorithm:

={ FILTER(A1:A,A1:A<>"") ;
SUM(FILTER(A1:A,A1:A<>"")) ;
FILTER(A1:A,A1:A<>"") }

As we drag this formula to adjacent columns, the relative column references will change so that it always references the preceding column.

In column B, the output is:


Then in column C, we get:


And in column D:



This data is used to generate the correct gaps for the Cantor set.

Draw The Cantor Set

We’ll use sparklines to draw the Cantor set in Google Sheets.

Cantor Dust In Google Sheet
Click to enlarge

Step 4:

Create a new blank sheet and call it “Cantor Set”.

Step 5:

Next, create a label in column A to show what iteration we’re on.

Put this formula in cell A1 and copy down the column to row 10:

="Cantor Set "&ROW()

This creates a string, e.g. “Cantor Set 1”, where the number is equal to the row number we’re on.

Step 6:

The next step is to dynamically generate the range reference. As we drag our formula down column B, we want this formula to travel across the row in the “Data” tab to get the correct data for this iteration of the Cantor set.

Start by generating the row number for each row with this formula in cell B1 and copy down the column:


(I set up my sheet with the data in columns because it’s easier to create and read that way. But then I want the Cantor set in a column too, hence why I need to do this step.)

Step 7:

Use the row number to generate the corresponding column letter with this formula in cell C1 and copy down the column:


This uses the ADDRESS function to return the cell reference as a string.

Step 8:

Remove the row number with this formula in cell D1 and copy down the column:


Step 9:

Combine these two references to create an open-ended range reference for the correct column of data in the “Data” sheet.

Put this formula in cell E1 and copy down the column:


This returns range references e.g. 'Data'!A1:A

Step 10:

Put this formula in cell F1 and copy down the column:


This will show #REF! errors: “Array result was not expanded because it would overwrite data in…”

However, don’t worry, these are only temporary as we’ll dump this data into the sparkline formula next.

Step 11:

In column G, create a default sparkline formula:


This shows the default line chart (except for the first row where it shows a #N/A error).

Step 12:

In column H, convert the line chart sparkline to a bar chart sparkline by specifying the charttype in custom options:


Step 13 (optional):

Finally, in column I, change the colors to a simple black and white scheme, by specifying color1 and color2 inside the sparkline:

Cantor Set Data Formulas
Click to enlarge

Feel free to delete any working columns once you have finished the formula showing the Cantor set.

Finished Cantor Set In Google Sheets

Here are the first 10 iterations of the algorithm to create the Cantor set:

Cantor Set In Google Sheet
Click to enlarge

Of course, this is a simplified representation of the Cantor set. It’s impossible to create the actual set in a Google Sheet since we can’t perform an infinite number of iterations.

Can I see an example worksheet?

Yes, here you go.

See Also

You might enjoy my other mathematical Google Sheet posts:

PI Function in Google Sheets And Other Fun π Facts

Complex Numbers In Google Sheets

How To Draw The MandelBrot Set In Google Sheets, Using Only Formulas

The FACT Function in Google Sheets (And Why A Shuffled Deck of Cards Is Unique)

How To Draw The Sierpiński Triangle In Google Sheets

Exploring Population Growth And Chaos Theory With The Logistic Map, In Google Sheets